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Below is some information about what we do and what w are aiming for. If you would like to get involved



Kibbutz El-Shammah is a community development based organisation situated in Roodewal, Worcester. Established in 1993 as a non profit organisation, its aims are to address all domains of society as far as possible. On the two acre premises of the Kibbutz are offices, a hall and kitchen, a crèche and pre-school, a sewing room which is also used for crafts, apartments used for staff and other accommodation, and a vegetable garden. The Kibbutz also has a strong drama department and other projects which focus on the enhancement of the youth.

Kibbutz El-Shammah was birthed out of the New Life Gang Project (1983 -1987) and Street Children Project (1987 – 1993) of Child and Family Welfare Society, Worcester. Roodewal (10,000+ inhabitants), formerly being the headquarters of the Cape Town Scorpion gang (CTS), was deprived from access to education, recreation and health facilities due to gang territory. Years of gang terror reign resulted in Roodewal becoming poverty stricken and deprived of hope. A holistic approach to community development, envisaged the establishment of Kibbutz El-Shammah as the conduit to address Roodewal’s needs. For the complete background information, see From The Guttermost To The Uttermost by Erena van de Venter, published in 2002. To obtain a copy Erena can be contacted at


It is imperative to address the circumstances of the young men who are trapped in the Roodewal ghetto. Over-crowded streets, and flats, limited school and recreational facilities, deplorable housing, plus such problems as drug addiction, crime, poverty, unemployment and juvenile delinquency are the breeding ground for gangs. Although Kibbutz El-Shammah is running a successful program (the Eco Club) to deliver prevention services, nothing is being done to combat the gangs. 80 to 90% of all crimes in Worcester are gang-related. And Worcester has become the hub of gangs in the Western Cape according to the local police.

A program addressing the needs of men, especially the drug addicts and gangsters within the Roodewal community must be developed. No quick fix approach can solve these problems. Gangsters should be seen as endowed with endless potential, and we should find the keys to unleash the creativity in each individual. It should even have a ripple effect as they develop and grow into their God-given destiny, so that other individuals within the community will follow suit. Foundations that need to be restored in the character of these men are things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, and modesty.

​The general public perceive gangsters as no good and crucify them with their words and attitudes. Mothers protect their gangster-sons in an unhealthy way, thus enabling them to continue with their activities. Both these attitudes of being either judgmental or over-protective will not solve the problem. An environment needs to be created where godly and healthy principles and values are restored to the community. We need to solve the chronic underlying problems and focus on the principles that bring long-term results. Should we achieve this; not only the gangsters will benefit, but mothers, fathers, children and families will be transformed.

Our Vision

The goal would be to develop Kibbutz El-Shammah to become the conduit for change in the Roodewal community, effectively altering the course of lives – first to restore the men, and then their families.

Erena van de Venter 


Some More About Us


1.       Involve the Roodewal community to catch the vision of restoration and healing. Draw in 50 successful members of Worcester who were born in and grew up in Roodewal and form a partnership with them by having them buy into the vision and giving moral, physical (expertise and labour) and financial support. An initial introduction and casting of the vision will be done on Friday 23 November 2012 when a function (a banquet) will be held at Kibbutz El-Shammah.



2.       Appoint a manager who can oversee the first phase of the program. Identify 2 or 3 men who can be trained and equipped through life skills and hard work on the Kibbutz grounds over a 6 month period. The focus of their program would be to prepare them to be the mentors and trainers of the second phase of the vision.



3.       Plans for enlarging and expanding the current Kibbutz building as well as the erection of new buildings will also be part of phase one of the vision. The main hall will be expanded to facilitate a larger kitchen, hall and a coffee shop. New buildings must be erected to facilitate a skills training class room, dormitories, a community centre, an extra classroom for the Educare Department of Kibbutz El-Shammah (Gloryland) to facilitate to the special needs of the growing number of Alcohol Fetal Syndrome and Tik1 children in Roodewal. Kibbutz El-Shammah is uniquely situated next to the Roodewal flats and on the Robertson road, the R62 route, which lends itself firstly to the beautification of one of our main entrances to Worcester, and secondly holds the key of tapping into the tourism market. This should pave the way to unleash the unrealised potential of the community’s resources. We aim to use the stones from this area for building, which was formerly a river bed, which will not only save finances and expenditure, but also enhance the uniqueness and beauty of the environment.



4.       The Building Program will facilitate the training of identified and selected 24 men. They will simultaneously receive building training as well as life coaching, and whilst receiving training will actually build the envisaged buildings on the grounds of Kibbutz El-Shammah. Each building phase should be approximately 3 months, using the same model as the erection of the first buildings of Kibbutz El-Shammah, in other words the main hall, offices and kitchen, as well as the first six apartments on the grounds. (During training the men receive meals and a financial stipend, and by completion receive accredited certificates that pave the way for them to enter the job market with their qualifications.)



5.       Men of Destiny and Purpose: At the end of phase two a team of 24 men would have gone through a life coaching program and will grow into becoming men of purpose, Change Makers or Change Agents, who will continue to explore and discover the path to sobriety and healthy living. They will be mentored in such a way that they can make a positive contribution to Roodewal by being good husbands, fathers, and good citizens of our town. This is a program which will take at least 5 to 7 years and hopefully make a lasting impression on society.

 1 Tik: Methamphetamine – other names by which it is known: crystal, crystal meth, ice, glass. Methamphetamine is currently the most popular drug in the Western Cape, although heroin in Cape Town is now taking over because it is cheaper. The average high risk age group to use Tik is 20 years – close to 72% younger than 20 years – and they choose Tik because it apparently takes away boredom, sadness and loneliness and is cheap. It also dulls the conscience. They don’t feel the consequences immediately and gives an immediate rush, since it gets into your bloodstream immediately. It tends to make you fearless and ruthless, which is why it is used in gangs and wars. In South Africa Tik is often associated with gang violence.


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